‘Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement’
Brian Tracy
‘Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal’
Henry Ford
Rather than focusing on whether you’re likely to succeed or fail, break success right down into small, actionable goals.
Focus on something specific you want to achieve and feel your confidence build every time you tick another goal off your list and move closer to your journey goal (the big goal each little goal is moving you closer to). Try and see the opportunity of learning in every test/ failure/ challenge along the way. Few of us were born at our best but the best find the positive learning in every difficulty.
So just KISS this week – keep it simple stupid – and see where that takes you…
You’ll be surprised at the results ☘️
And if you find yourself really struggling, ask yourself what your WHY is for pursuing your goal. What’s the underlying reason for going for it? How will achieving it benefit you? How much better will your life be as a result? How much will you care if you don’t achieve it?
If your goal doesn’t excite you, find a WHY that does and feel the stars start to align ✨