“We’re all very driven here. We don’t suffer with things like that”
Senior Partner, Magic Circle law firm
The legal profession is widely known for attracting high achievers, those with excellent grades, drive, attention to detail and resilience. There’s no denying the legal industry is built on extremes; think the A-Type personalities driving Magic Circle revenues north of a billion pounds a year to the cut above intellect which sees only a third of student barristers securing pupillages.
Ironically, these stellar qualities can also be many lawyers’ and barristers’ Achilles’ heel. For while the high-powered legal industry thrives off outstanding professionals, this same unrelenting standard for excellence can leave legal professionals feeling imbalanced, burnt-out and more vulnerable to mental illness than employees in other industries. According to Dr Michalak of the University of Queensland: ‘Lawyers suffer from significantly lower levels of psychological + psychosomatic health wellbeing than other professionals’.
Read my article for The Law Society Gazette here to explore why now, more than ever, mental health needs to be moved to the top of the legal agenda.
If you’re feeling lost about career change, confused as to how to control negative thought loops or overwhelmed by the dating game, check out my podcast interview below with the fabulous Author your Life Podcast.
Invited back as the most downloaded guest of 2018, this is seriously content rich and will teach you:
1: How to turn problems to opportunities
2: What cognitive distortions are, why the brain can’t resist them and how to overcome them
3: Why careers are like dating and why you shouldn’t settle for the first job or average other!
4: How failure to identify your values will keep you trapped in a cycle of bad life decisions!
Listen here and let me know what the most positive learning is for you!
Episode 2 of The School of Success Podcast Series: How to Re-align your Life + Develop A Toolkit for More Conscious is now live!
This inspiring interview with the intuitive yogi, women’s guide, writer + workshop facilitator, @marisaribordy, teaches you How to Re-align your Life + Develop A Toolkit for More Conscious Living helping you connect more deeply to your true self so you can shift your life from the inside out.
This is for you if you’re feeling off-center, disconnected from your true self, constantly tired or drained by city living or otherwise or have a feeling you’re on the wrong path but you don’t know where to start to get clarity on who you really are and what you really want.
This is also for you if you want to find greater peace + balance in your life, develop your mind body connection + learn how to listen to your instincts more so you can get clear on areas of your life that aren’t truly aligned with you and your greater growth and happiness. And develop that strong sense of self + clarity that underpins confident decision-making.
In this warm-hearted interview, Marisa lovingly guides you to discover a range of powerful tools to help you develop greater self-awareness and connection to your true self so you can realign your life in a way that makes you feel truly happy and free. Formerly @wildhappyheart, you can now find Marisa at @marisaribordy on Instagram and at www.marisaribordy.com.
Since this podcast interview, Marisa has embarked on an inspiring series on women’s workshops centering around the magical cycles of the moon and how you can set powerful intentions around manifesting + letting go at these times. Be warned she is a powerful manifester with magical tools to help you create your dream life whether in work, love or otherwise.
I hope you enjoy it!
I just read a life-changing passage on the key to happiness in the New York Times bestseller, The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer ⋯⇠
The following will be truly eye-opening if you’ve ever struggled with:
⌲ Anger or frustration that life isn’t how you want it to be;
⌲ The sense that you’ll only be happy once you have certain things or certain people around you and that any other way = unhappiness, compromise or misery;
⌲ A feeling of resistance or a narrow mind towards certain types of people, places, events or environments;
⌲ A feeling of being judged for not being how others want you to be and wondering whether this is right.
Singer’s pearls of wisdom will help you:
⌲ Manage your negative inner voice and understand how this is key to spiritual growth;
⌲ Challenge preconceptions and ideals that you’re convinced keep you safe but are actually keeping you stuck;
⌲ Overcome blocks within yourself that threaten relationships, romantic or otherwise;
⌲ Improve your relationships with yourself and with others, whether platonic, professional or otherwise.
◭ What Does Happiness Depend On?
Singer directly challenges our propensity towards instant gratification, safety and this idea of ‘When I have this thing, or this particular person, I’ll be happy’.
Quite the contrary, the key to happiness is what Singer calls: The Path To Non-Resistance. In other words, stress only happens when you resist life’s events or when you perceive happiness to be conditional on having certain things.
For example, let’s suppose Steve Jobs felt stressed about not finding a businesswoman for a wife as clever as he was; Usain Bolt feels resistance about not finding friends as athletic as he is to hang out with; an ocean lover feels depressed because they can’t spend every waking hour at sea; or a single person struggling because they’ll only be happy when they’re married.
◭ Where Does Resistance (or Stress) Come From?
All these worries are born of suffering and resistance that block your heart’s energy flow and keep you closed. It’s not life events that cause problems or stress, it’s your resistance to life’s events that’s causing this experience. Life events could be anything from being in a relationship you’re not 100% sure of, being with people different to you, living in places that don’t feel ideal, not earning enough money or not feeling alive enough all the time.
All resistance that you experience is linked to your childhood. Maybe you were born into an atmosphere of stress, maybe you had an overbearing mother or an absent father, maybe your parents divorced when you were young or you suffered a different trauma or loss. This event may have coloured your view of the world, what is safe, what feels risky and what determines or threatens happiness.
Let’s say you felt the ripples of stress from your parents’ divorce when you were too young to process trauma — you may have been left feeling that relationships are a risky business, that women or men are difficult or that controlling exactly how your partner is and keeping freedom at all cost is the best way to stay ‘safe’.
◭ What’s The Solution?
You have to carefully watch the mental voice that tells you to resist something. It literally commands you: ‘I don’t like what he said. I don’t think my relationship’s perfect enough. I wish that person was more like this. Fix it’. If you don’t carefully watch this negative inner voice, you will not actually be dealing with the current event, you will be dealing with your blocked energies from the past. You will not be coming from a place of clarity but from a place of inner resistance and tension.
◭ How Else Can You Improve Happiness?
Singer advises that relationships are a great way to work with yourself. Imagine if you used relationships to get to know other people rather than to satisfy what is blocked inside of you. If you’re not trying to make people fit into your preconceived notions of what you like and dislike, you will find that relationships are not really that difficult. If you’re not so busy judging and resisting people based on what is blocked inside of you, you will find that they are much easier to get along with – and so are you.
If you’ve ever wondered why bosses tend to have issues with you or why relationships feel difficult, ask yourself what energy you’re giving out / how you’re judging that person / what resistance is going on inside? You might think of yourself as a peaceful, chilled-out soul, but how easy-going are you if you’re so easily disturbed by others and your happiness is dependent on conditions around you being just so?
Maybe you’re feeling resistance because you wish your partner was more into the same things as you or you wish they were cleverer, more ambitious or more driven. What does that tell you about how open you are to people different to you or places or environments that challenge your preconceived ideals? Do you see difference as a vehicle for growth or are you easily ruffled when people and things aren’t how you believe they should be?
◭ The Golden Nugget
Quite simply, letting go of yourself is the simplest way to get closer to others.
To grow through life, your heart and mind must be open and expansive enough to encompass reality. The only reason they’re not is because you resist.
Learn to stop resisting reality, whether visiting places you don’t like, being open to events you perceive to be stressful, being with people different to your preconceived ideals, and what used to look like stressful problems will begin to look like the stepping stones of your spiritual journey.
◭ Magic Quotes To Meditate On
Here are two powerful quotes that will shift your mindset from resistance to growth:
“It is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so”
William Shakespeare
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies your freedom and power to choose your response. In those responses lie your growth and your happiness”
Victor Frankl (Holocaust survivor)
So here it is – my top secret, transformative Strategy For Success – to pole vault you out of the stress / anxiety / worry discussed below and into the inner masterpiece that sits just beneath your frustration, challenges and instincts.
Because when you’re feeling exasperated (you know that stuck feeling), you’re actually on the brink of a breakthrough. Who knew?!
You can either do this easy 4 Step Success Session during your lunch break today or this weekend when you have a wee window to invest in some you time. Easy to apply, soul-shifting and success shaping, it will take just 15-20 minutes and will be the best luxury you treat yourself to today.
Tried and tested on coaching clients across the globe, I applied this to myself yesterday afternoon and it changed my mood entirely, shifting me from stasis and anxiety to forward focus and the “SO WHAT; NOW WHAT?” mindset which means you mean business about your life and your happiness.
So, Now What?
And the best news of all – all you need is your favourite pen and some paper to jot down your thoughts (the power is in WRITING the below down – trust me on this…)
And you’re ready for a magical mind slide…
i) What’s going to move you from where you are now to where you want to be? Sum up what your goal is in one sentence. Note it down.
ii) Think about your issue and forward to a point in time when the issue is as you want it to be. What do you notice that shows you you have achieved the goal? Note it down.
iii) What are you hearing, feeling and seeing that tells you that you have achieved your goal or solved your issue? Note it down.
iv) What are you doing that shows you have achieved the goal? Note it down.
i) What is going on right now that tells you you have an issue or a challenge here? Note it down.
ii) What is missing from your current situation that you would like to have? Note it down.
iii) What is happening that is good that you want to preserve to contribute to achieving your goal? Note it down.
iv) What obstacles or possible barriers are in your way that prevent or hinder you from moving forward? Note it down.
v) What resources do you have to help you achieve your goal. What other resources will you need? Note it down.
Is it still relevant or has it changed? Make any adjustments required now.
i) What could you do to move yourself one step forward right now? Note it down.
ii) What else could you do if the world was your oyster with no explanations required to anyone and no financial constraints? Note it down.
iii) What would your best friends suggest? Note it down.
iv) If you secretly know what you should do first, what would it be? Note it down.
v) What is the benefit of each option and which feel the most right in your gut? Note it down.
i) What are you going to do? List the actions you must go through to achieve your goal. Note it down.
ii) How will these actions meet your main goal? Note it down.
iii) When are you going to take these actions? Note it down.
iv) Who else should know about your action plan and what will telling them give you? Note it down.
v) Whatever your first step is, what obstacle or barrier might stop you from doing it and how will you overcome this? Note it down.
Now DIARISE the springboard to success action plan you’ve dug deep to find and enjoy – because you’re going to watch the stresslift off you as you move closer and closer to achieving your goal and the new, hopeful, inspired you.
Much of the scientific research on resilience — our ability to bounce back from adversity — has focused on how to build resilience in children. But what about grown-ups? This article in the New York Times gives 7 top tips on how to build resilience and improve your life. The second and the last one are my particular favourites 😉
“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass”
Timber Hawkeye
Happy Tuesday, almost hump day! I read this article recently which I absolutely loved by Pop Sugar – “13 Stress-Inducing Habits and How to Avoid Them”. It’s full of practical ideas which bring balance to over-stretched lives (sound familiar?) – mentally, physically and most importantly – spiritually. Yes. It’s balm to the soul.
From drinking too much caffeine (you know that funny state of over alertness which conquers fatigue but can leave you feeling all kinds of sketchy…) to lack of exercise and constantly venting to friends (I’ve definitely been guilty of this in vulnerable moments – and it doesn’t always help) – these tips are as surprising as they are helpful.
So, if you feel like enhancing your life in 5 minutes, here are some things that stressed-out people tend to do and tips to break the habits – http://www.popsugar.com/sma…/Habits-Stressed-People-34935933. Enjoy 🙂
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not a life others expected of me”
Taken from “The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying”
By Bronnie Ware
Death is one of life’s great taboos.
Ironic then, isn’t it, that Bronnie Ware’s book, inspired by the most common regrets of her dying patients, has sold the wide world over – in no less than 27 languages.
Equally ironic is the conversation stopping effect death has in life when Ware’s findings reveal that death is, in fact, the greatest invigorator out there. Bypassing ego, image and obligation, death sieves through bullshit and cuts straight to point – distilling truth in its purest form.
Five core truths, in fact – which level us all.
And that, Dear Reader, is what many of us are too busy to realise day to day – what really matters in life – and that’s what makes Ware’s book so powerful.
If that all sounds a bit on the heavy side, check out the top five regrets of the dying below observed by Bronnie Ware during her palliative nursing and prepare to feel a whole lot lighter:
1. I wish I had had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
“This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.”
2. I wish I had not worked so hard.
“This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret, but as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.”
3. I wish I had had the courage to express my feelings.
“Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.”
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
“Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.”
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
“This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content, when deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.”
For as Steve Jobs, the man who ‘had it all’, warned:
“At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless”.
If you think you’re too busy to consider the above, all the more reason to do so.
For as the Dalai Lama so wisely reflected when asked what surprised him most about humanity:
“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health”.