4 Rituals Proven By Neuroscience To Make You Happy

Rituals Happiness

For a positive way to kick-start your evening, check out this invigorating article, ‘4 Rituals Proven By Neuroscience To Make Your Happy’.

The pearl of wisdom about the greater impact that speaking has over texting is one of my favourites, especially powerful in our increasingly digital world.

And the point about the power of touch certainly explains why dogs make us so happy, why love feels so important and why long distance love can feel so hard. I also noticed that every time an ex-boss touched my arm or patted me on the back, it gave me an instant boost.

Try and implement at least two of these this week and feel those bliss chemicals improve your happiness levels threefold.

New York Times: 7 Top Tips on Building Resilience

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Much of the scientific research on resilience — our ability to bounce back from adversity — has focused on how to build resilience in children. But what about grown-ups? This article in the New York Times gives 7 top tips on how to build resilience and improve your life. The second and the last one are my particular favourites 😉

Depression To Progression: A 12 Point Personal Toolbox for Tough Times

5 ways science difficulty feature

Happy Tuesday, All â—­

Learning healthy ways to move through adversity, a collection of skills that researchers call ‘resilience’, can help us cope better and recover more quickly.

Check out the 12 point Personal Toolbox for Tough Times below – such simple practices that can help you cope with difficulties when they arise but also prepare you for challenges in the future ◬◬◬

I’m a big fan of numbers 1, 2 and 4



Oprah Winfrey’s Top Tip For A Meaningful Life


Happy Tuesday from sunny Madrid, everyone ☼

If you’ve ever felt stuck wondering:
✓ What am I doing with my life?
✓ How do I find the right path?
✓ Why do I feel so unfulfilled?
✓ I’ve achieved all my goals but I’m still not happy…

watch this powerful 2 minute video below from Oprah Winfrey.

Once you know what your legacy goal is, you can build backwards from that and redesign your life in accordance with your true meaning and purpose âš—

And instead of comparing yourself to others to work out your truth, think about:

✓ The people you most admire whether famous or otherwise
✓ What you’d really regret not doing if you were told you had a year to live
✓ How you’d like to be remembered

That’ll give you some clue as to what really matters to you âš¡

And once you’ve got that sorted, a feeling of peace and contentment will flow through your veins. For, in the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi:

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”


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